Sassy owns this page in the Ring O' Pen Pal Sites
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Ring O' Pen Pal Sites

So you want to join the Ring O' Pen Pal Sites webring? Does your page meet the following guidelines?

  1. No offensive material -- which includes links to pornography (I don't want to link to that)
  2. You need to run a site that helps other people find penpals
  3. You must add the webring code SOMEwhere in your group of pages where people will see it (it doesn't necessarily have to be on your title page)
Those are really the only rules I have. If you want to join a ring but you just slightly miss meeting the second criteria (such as if you're looking for penpals, or just want to join a ring for fun), you can check out the ring of Persons Seeking Penpals, Maddeningly Mindless Fun Sites or the Rainbow Ribbon Ring, of which I am proud members. Now for what you need to do to join THIS ring...

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